IPhone 2019 body will be thinner

IPhone 2019 body will be thinner

Apple's newest iPhone body, like the iPhone XR, has a body thickness of 8.33 millimeters. Based on outstanding issues, Apple will present the latest iPhone design that is designed to be slimmer and currently Apple is in a partnership with Samsung.

The downsizing uses Samsung Y-Octa technology which will unite the touchscreen layer with the display panel. With this technology, later the screen components are reduced, so that the shape will be thinner. This technology benefits Apple in terms of production because the price is cheaper.

Reportedly, Samsung installed Apple on the use of this screen technology to maintain its business. It's no secret that Apple is trying to develop partnerships with other screen manufacturers to reduce its dependence on Samsung. LG, for example,

It is reported that it will supply several panels for the iPhone this year, although it doesn't seem to have happened. It's possible that Samsung offers Y-OCTA technology as a good faith to make Apple come back again.

in price, Y-Octa technology can be 30 percent cheaper than the standard model. This supports Apple's program that plans to reduce the price of the iPhone in the coming year.This new screen technology must be ready in time for next year's iPhone launch, which is expected to take place in September. Unfortunately, the report suggested this new screen technology would have limited supplies at first. This can mean that only premium iPhone models will get a sleek design.

And even if Apple sees new screen technology, there is no guarantee that it won't change your mind between now and September 2019. It is also possible that production delays can push technology back to a year later, if suppliers have difficulty creating enough stock to be used by Apple on time.

Some rumors say that one of the changes to the 2019 iPhone will occur in the camera sector. Apple is said to be installing triple-camera technology and an increase in the Face ID.The iPhone 2019 is also predicted to use the USB Type-C port as the latest generation iPad Pro.  we'll just wait for the truth, guys